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日本網友買扇貝小吃 喜獲珍珠

2015年01月25日 11:42:02 來源: 中國日報網

日本網友買扇貝小吃 喜獲珍珠

  According to Japanese pop culture site RocketNews24, one shopper got more than he bargained for when he bought a packet of fried scallop snacks at a FamilyMart convenience store, only to find a pearl embedded within.


  Twitter user Romy_canecry was enjoying his snack when he bit into something hard. What he thought was a foreign object turned out to be a white pearl.

  推特用戶Romy_canecry 在吃這款扇貝小吃時咬到了硬物,他原以為是異物,結果是一顆白色珍珠。

  He wrote in Japanese: "I thought, 'Oh man there's something weird in here, but it turned out to be a pearl. Thank you, FamilyMart!"


  Apparently, the packaging does include a warning about finding pearls in the scallop snack, highlighted in blue ink no less.


日本網友買扇貝小吃 喜獲珍珠

  The text explains that on rare occasions, pearls may develop in the shellfish, producing a small white orb, and cautions customers to be careful when consuming the product.


  According to RocketNews24, more than a few others expressed hope that they too, could find a gem the next time they chomp down on the seafood snack, losing a tooth or two notwithstanding.



  packet: 小包,小袋

  scallop: 扇貝

  snack: 小吃 ,零食

  embed: 嵌入,固定(在某物之中)

  shellfish: 貝類水生動物

  orb: 球,球狀物

  chomp: 大口嚼

  notwithstanding: 盡管

  (譯者:xinxin10 )



